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quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011

The Classic Tour of London

Your personal driver-guide will meet you in the lobby of your hotel at 9.00 am. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss any changes you might like to make to your tour. Any tour itinerary we suggest is flexible and can be altered to suit your individual requirements, even on the day.
Enjoy an authorised, private tour inside Westminster Abbey, burial-place of Kings, Queens, poets, statesmen and actors. Westminster Abbey was once a Benedictine monastery and monastic architectural details remain, such as the arcaded stone cloisters, Chapter House and Strong Room. The Abbey is one of London's most impressive buildings architecturally, with its breathtaking vaulted chapels and monuments.

Alternatively, have a private tour inside St Paul’s Cathedral and see the beautiful interior of the dome, one of the largest and most beautiful in the world. St. Paul's Cathedral was hewn from gleaming white Portland stone almost 300 years ago and, after a ten-year cleaning project, it has been returned to its former magnificence. If you are feeling energetic, climb the 533 steps to the top of the dome for incredible views of London.

Your tour of London will reach the halfway point with a bite to eat in a classic London setting. We can arrange lunch in a traditional London pub or make reservations at a restaurant. The Tower of London has a cafe selling home cooked food, including: pies, hot sandwiches, fish and chips and well prepared salads. Please make your preference known when booking.

Tour Her Majesty's Tower of London - Royal Palace, fortress and once a notorious state prison. The Tower has played many roles in the history of London. It has been an armoury, palace, zoo, a state prison and infamous place of execution. Your guide will offer a guided tour inside the individual towers and precincts.  See the world-famous English Crown Jewels including the Great Star of Africa (at 530.2 carats, the world's largest diamond), armour and haunted prison quarters!

Sightseeing tour en-route: Buckingham Palace with the Changing of the Guard (subject to army schedules), Big Ben, St Paul's Cathedral, Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Harrods, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, Kensington Palace, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Covent Garden, HMS Belfast, Royal Parks and  hidden streets  and squares not normally seen on standard tours.

Art, Museums and Cultural London Tour
Private tours of some of the world’s greatest museums and galleries 
The National Gallery, London, houses one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world. Our guides are authorised to offer you a private guided tour inside the National Gallery, London. See masterpieces by Van Gogh, Turner, Titian, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. This tour will give you an insight into the power of art and its effect on us.
Make the short hop to Tate Britain and enjoy a private tour. Tate Britain features British art from 1500 to the present day, including elements from the 'Turner Bequest' which comprises of nearly 300 oil paintings and 30,000 sketches and watercolours. Other artists represented include William Hogarth, sometimes called the father of English painting, Henry Moore, Francis Bacon and Gainsborough.

The British Museum's collection is worldwide in origin and is intended for use by the citizens of the world. Your guide can tailor a tour of the British museum that will focus on your interests. The highlights tour can include; The Elgin Marbles, the mummies of ancient Egypt, the Rosetta Stone, the key to the mysterious hieroglyphs, Anglo-Saxon treasure and Greece and Roman artefacts.

Current exhibition: Kingdom of Ife - Sculptures from West Africa 4th March to 6th June 2010.
Explore the Inns of Court or 'legal London' with your private guide and see the ancient courtyards and chapels that make this neighbourhood a film makers paradise. Finish the day with a tour of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (time permitting).
Kew Gardens and Osterley Park Tour
World famous Kew, grand interiors and a lazy lunch
Tour the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, one of the world's most important botanical gardens, and surely the most beautiful, containing some 9,000 trees, stunning bluebell woods and a ten-storey Chinese pagoda. Exploring the gardens with your private guide during Winter you can see a million-and-a-half crocuses (typically late Feb - early March). See flowering Camellias, Daffodils, Forsythia and Cherry Blossom.
Your personal guide will give you an insight into the history of this great royal garden and help you navigate its vast grounds, glasshouses and locate Kew's fantastic seasonal displays.
Kew is also home to the most compelling tree-top experience in the UK. Kew's Rhizotron and Xstrata Treetop walkway takes you under the ground and then 18 metres (59ft) up in the air, bringing you close to trees in a way that will take your breath away.
Lunch can be arranged at the renowned Glasshouse (French) restaurant.
Visit Osterley House, surrounded by vast parkland and famed for its interiors, remodelled by Robert Adam.
Time permitting, visit nearby Syon House, which has one of London’s finest interiors featuring paintings by Reynolds and Van Dyck.

Classic Highlights Tour of London 
This tour is ideal for first-time visitors and really captures the very best that London has to offer.
Your private driver-guide will make sure the morning or afternoon itinerary suits you and will begin with offering an insight into London's history. Your guide's commentary will be tailored to your personal interests and he or she will be able to stop at almost any location. Our tour guides will be flexible on the day and will be able to adapt to your specific requirements.
During your Classic Highlights Tour of London you will see Buckingham Palace with the Changing of the Guard (subject to army schedules), Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly Circus, Harrods, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the City of London, HMS Belfast, the Royal Parks, including Squares, along with narrow and hidden streets not normally seen on the average tours.
Enjoy a private guided tour inside London's great royal church, Westminster Abbey. You will be able to jump the lines with your guide and enter the rear of the building. Westminster Abbey is a house of Kings where, for nearly a thousand years, British Kings and Queens have been baptised, crowned and buried. The Abbey, which houses the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, has evolved into an unofficial national mausoleum with thousands of memorials and tombs of poets, statesman and musicians.
You might like to finish the morning or afternoon with a visit to The Tower of London. Your guide can give you an introduction to London's castle and help you jump the lines. There you will be able to see the Crown Jewels, prisoners' quarters and historic armour. Your guide will normally leave you at the Tower of London but you may wish to extend the tour and have your guide continue with a private guided tour inside the Tower of London and finish the day by exploring Borough market, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and St Paul's Cathedral.  
Touring After Dark
With our London After Dark Tour you can see the major sights spectacularly floodlit, visit an historic pub and try a local beer. The London After Dark Tour can be incorporated into your evening at a theatre and/ or restaurant, solving your transport problems for the evening. Your guide will be able to give you a full panoramic tour of the city after the theatre. This tour has been specially tailored to see the sights that are floodlit.